Welcome to our monthly feature were we will ask various volunteers from the group a series of quick fire questions.
This month we will meet our Operations Coordinator Bryan Longmuir.

1. What inspired you to join NERVS? I think everyone has their own personal story or reasons for volunteering for a charity like NERVS. I was in and out of hospital for many years with a number of long term health problems, the continuing care I have received from the medical and nursing staff over the years has always been exemplary and by joining NERVS I feel I am 'giving something back'.
2. Describe your NERVS role to us.
I am the NERVS Operations Coordinator, prior to that I was the Lead Controller.
In my role as Operations Coordinator (Ops Co) I am the head of the NERVS Operations Team which includes all of our very dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer controllers, riders and drivers. Working in conjunction with our NHS Liaison/Risk Lead I am responsible for setting up and maintaining the safe, effective and efficient operation of our free service to NHS Grampian and other clients and ensuring that the safety of our volunteers, clients and members of the general public is not compromised.
I regularly liaise with our Fleet Manager and Events Coordinator when NERVS participation is requested at the various events, shows and parades we have in the North East of Scotland so that members of the public can meet our operational volunteers, have a look at our fleet and see what we do and how we do it. It's always a great experience to get out and about and meet the public at these events and spread the word about the charity.
I am also a Board member and Trustee of the charity. 3. If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be? It has to be 'Show Must Go On' by Queen or The Imperial March from Star Wars. 4. Your favourite book/movie or TV series of all time and why? Favourite movie of all time has to be Top Gun, it has everything! Jets, brilliant action sequences, jets, very quotable lines, great soundtrack, did I mention the jets? 5. If you were shipwrecked on a desert island but had all your human needs (food/water) what two items would you want to have with you?
Probably a wind up radio. I love music and need to be able to listen to it, also some SPF50 because those milk bottle legs won't tan themselves.
6. You are hosting a dinner party, who would be your four ideal guests, living or dead?
A bit of a diverse set of dinner guests. Nelson Mandela, Freddie Mercury, Carrie Fisher and Barack Obama, plenty of topics to discuss over the after dinner mints.
7. What’s the best thing to happen to you this week?
At the time of writing this I'm on annual leave for the week! It doesn't get any better than that.
8. What do you see as the challenges ahead for you and operations?
NERVS is constantly evolving, there are a number of exciting projects being worked on just now which will hopefully enhance and expand the service we currently provide to NHS Grampian. I know I've mentioned it earlier but the dedication, enthusiasm and 'can do' attitude of all our volunteers will enable us as a team to embrace these new challenges and allow us to continue to deliver our free service to the very high standard we are all immensely proud of.
Loving the choices for your dinner party 🥳